Lab OC-EC Aerosol Analyzer

The Lab OC-EC Aerosol Analyzer is the industry standard for environmental and workplace monitoring. This instrument uses a proven thermal-optical method to analyze for OC-EC aerosols collected on quartz filters. It is the basis for NIOSH Method 5040 and is fully compliant with the IMPROVE protocol. It features a new and improved microcontroller and data acquisition system for enhanced accuracy and precision. There is no comparable instrument on the market today.

In the Lab OC-EC Aerosol Analyzer, samples are thermally desorbed from the filter medium under an inert helium atmosphere followed by an oxidizing atmosphere using carefully controlled heating ramps. A flame ionization detector (FID) is used to monitor the analysis. Our proven low dead volume carrier gas control system and proprietary quartz oven design provide high sensitivity with ultra low carbon background and no oxygen contamination.


  • OC-EC measurements for integrated filters and bulk samples
  • Analysis profiles easily selectable to match NIOSH, IMPROVE, STN or custom applications • Excellent sensitivity with low instrument background
  • FID detection with linearity over 4 orders of magnitude
  • Built-in FID igniter
  • New and improved microcontroller and data acquisition system for enhanced accuracy and precision
  • Standard transmittance-based pyrolysis correction, resulting in better signal-to-noise and throughput
  • Concurrent transmittance/reflectance option with superior temperature controlled laser system
  • New extended-life heating coils, with PID control algorithm for stable oven temperatures during analysis
  • Quality service and technical support by highly qualified personnel

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    503-624-1100 |